BlackStarTech Backup and Portable Power Consulting Services

Emergency Backup Power Consulting

Consulting Services

BlackStarTech Custom Consulting Services provide expertise in portable power solutions to facilitate the design and implementation of the BlackStarTech portable power coping system. The BlackStarTech team of experts can work with your facility to devise a plan to effectively implement portable lighting and emergency battery backup power supply solutions to improve emergency margins and overall risk profile.

We provide support and other applications that require contingent power solutions for a wide variety of emergency response situations ranging from natural disasters to man-made scenarios. For example, in a nuclear station, BlackStarTech Custom Consulting Solutions can help achieve your most favorable outcomes with FLEX Augmentation and PRA enhancements. Beyond nuclear, our solutions are being applied across power generation facilities, utilities, hospitals, telecommunications, manufacturing, and internet companies, as well as a myriad of industrial facilities and emergency responders that require consulting related to advanced portable power packages and lighting solutions.

BlackStarTech’s team of experts can work with your facility to devise a plan to effectively implement portable power solutions to improve emergency margins and overall risk profiles. We provide support and other applications that require contingent power solutions for a wide variety of emergency response situations and facility resiliency hardening solutions.

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Working Together To Deliver You The Best Possible Solutions

Consulting Options

Our emergency backup power consulting options include helping your engineering team with implementation, training, and staging to best utilize the BlackStarTech Genesis portable power solutions for your facility.

We can support your successful utilization of Genesis products across a variety of applications including emergency response, medical and healthcare, chemical plants and refineries, utilities, nuclear, industrial, law enforcement, and educational and research facilities.

BlackStarTech Family Product Lines of Backup Power and Emergency Lighting

"Risk Informed" Custom Consulting Solutions

BlackStarTech’s Risk Informed Custom Consulting Solutions is a service specifically for nuclear facilities where our team can facilitate review, PRA analysis, and application opportunities utilizing products from the Genesis family to significantly decrease the risk profile for your station and potentially aid in increasing risk margins to provide operational flexibility. An example of this would be attaining a 50.69 Risk Level to implement risk informed technical specifications.

We can work with your organization’s PRA group or PRA Engineers to successfully implement the BlackStarTech solution to effectively realize PRA and 50.69 benefits. Our Custom Consulting Solutions reduce risk and increase margins with the specific PRA models at each plant including full power internal events models, fire models, and external wind and flooding models.

BlackStarTech’s custom emergency backup power consulting services review facility risk models, which allow us to identify where BlackStarTech’s equipment can be best applied including critical equipment and components. Our team can determine which significant accident scenarios would be the best targets, and what specific procedure actions benefit your site. Although some of these will be common (e.g., alternate DC power for RCIC and HPCI valves and SRVs), these can be different for each plant. The models are also used to decide how best to deploy the BlackStarTech equipment such as via operator actions to hook it up and how to structure the associated procedures so that the deployment is as simple (and error-free) as possible. Once we decide upon the where, how, and when we will use BlackStarTech equipment, we stage it in the plant per plant procedures and incorporate it into the PRA models.