Advanced Automated Fire Watch Detection

FireSight® Robotic Fire Watch Series

Your Autonomous Fire Monitoring Solution

The BlackStarTech FireSight® Robotic Fire Watch Series is a rapidly deployable, independent fire watch detection system that augments degraded fire zones and protects your facility from emergent fire damage that can result from hot work and fires. The device provides essential job-site monitoring, displacing personnel required by the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA®) code and authorities having jurisdiction (AHJ’s) by meeting all requirements of FM datasheets 3270 (Hot Work Robot) and 10-3 (Hot Work Management—Interim Rev July 2021).

FireSight monitors flammable and explosive hazards in fire susceptible and hot work areas as well as augments existing fire protection systems that are impaired or out of service. When FireSight detects an event, it activates the onboard horn and strobe for local area warning. It immediately notifies remote personnel or first responders via an internal NFPA-compliant alarm panel and associated fault dry contact relays. The relay contacts can be connected to existing building fire alarm panels or other comparable facility alarm systems to actuate and enhance remote detection capabilities.


FireSight® Robotic Fire Watch — Earns FM Approval

The FireSight® Robotic Fire Watch Series IR-3 HD flame detector provides ultra-fast response and reliable detection of all types of hydrocarbon fires. FM is a leader in loss prevention and commercial property insurance and is recognized worldwide for its meticulous testing and standards. Through stringent evaluations that replicate real-world fire risks, FM ensures that only products of exceptional resilience and effectiveness carry its approval — and we are proud to carry the FM Approved mark on FireSight.

It addresses slow-growing fires and fast-eruption fires, operating in all weather and light conditions with the highest immunity to false alarms. Sunlight, hot objects, welding, and hot work do not affect Fire Watch alarms. Detection is within 40 milliseconds of fireballs or explosions. Using high-definition video output and clear imaging, it can detect a fire event up to 200 feet. This product allows rescuers to know the exact situation before entering the hazardous area as it automatically records video footage of the fire events.

Early Warning Detection

The Robotic Fire Watch Series provides early warning through real time alerts, reacting significantly faster than traditional smoke or flame detectors. With its advanced capabilities, it can monitor an entire room from the floor to the ceiling up to 200 feet away, detecting pixel changes, and identifying direct flame, smoke, visible steam, or oil mists. While regular detectors are typically located on the ceiling, the Robotic Fire Watch Series monitors from the floor to the ceiling providing nearly immediate detection where fires begin providing much faster detection and response times compared to traditional detection capabilities.

Video Analytics

Fire Watch video analytics employ artificial intelligence vision algorithms that enable autonomous perception to analyze the flame detector onboard camera video for smoke and other hazards. Video analytics is compliant with the National Fire Protection Association as a primary smoke detection system. The Fire Watch live video, with pre and post fire event recording, monitors the desired area. This technology can be used to direct first responders in case of an event, providing real time video and event localization, enabling faster decision making. The recorded video also allows simple fire investigation, with video of events that led up to the fire.

The Robotic Fire Watch Series detector addresses slow-growing and fast-erupting fires using triple IR (IR3) technology. It provides reliable detection of all types of hydrocarbon fires that are visible and non-visible. Smoke, visible vapor, steam, oil mist, reflected flame, and motion are just some of the situations the Robotic Fire Watch Series high-definition camera video detects and captures.

FireSight does not require smoke, vapor, or heat to physically reach the detector or camera. Instead, the camera senses the flame, smoke, vapor, and source early as it ascends from the floor to the ceiling.

Robotic Fire Watch Series Video Analytics Detection Capabilities

Smoke and flame detection
Oil mist detection
Smoke detection
Flame source detection

FireSight™ - Robotic Fire Watch

FireSight™ – Robotic Fire Watch Series IR-3 HD flame detector provides ultra-fast response and reliable detection of all types of hydrocarbon fires. It addresses slow-growing fires and fast-eruption fire, operating in all weather and light conditions with the highest immunity to false alarms. Sunlight, hot objects, welding, and hot work do not affect Fire Watch alarms. Detection is within 40 milliseconds of fireballs or explosions. Using high-definition video output and clear imaging, it can detect a fire event up to 200 feet. This product allows rescuers to know the exact situation before entering the hazardous area as it automatically records video footage of the fire events.

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Increase Productivity, Enhanced Safety and Cost Savings

It’s common for most industrial facilities to hire people to perform fire watches during hot work and extensive maintenance evolutions, major retrofit activities, shutdowns, and outages. Fire watch activities often require personnel to physically monitor for fires due to degraded or out-of-service facility fire systems, or during and after hot work. Instead of hiring up to 30 different fire watch individuals to look for fire events, a Robotic Fire Watch unit can be utilized throughout the facility and monitored from one central control station potentially by one person.


The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) requires fire watch presence for hours before, during, and after hot work as well as fire-susceptible areas. Robotic Fire Watch is compliant as a mitigating measure per NFPA 72, additional temporary fire protection per NFPA 25, and according to NFPA 51B can be used as primary and post-hot work area monitoring as allowed by the “permit authorizing individual.”