Strategic Consulting Services
Strategic Consulting Services
BlackStarTech delivers an array of advanced rapidly deployable power, lighting, and broadband communications solutions enabling emergency planning, risk-informed mitigation strategies, essential maintenance and outage innovations, battery energy storage, and a wide variety of facility productivity, automation, and utility savings solutions.
BlackStarTech’s inception centered around providing the commercial US nuclear industry with extremely reliable and resilient targeted power and lighting capabilities that can be rapidly deployed for beyond design basis events. In scenarios where catastrophic loss of power occurs, BlackStarTech delivers immediate targeted response capabilities at time frames under 30 minutes while providing energy capabilities greater than 30 days. When disaster strikes, BlackStarTech redefines resilience response enabling effective first responder action.
BlackStarTech also provides permanent infrastructure backup power solutions with remote monitoring and automated surveillance capabilities optimizing facility utility costs through unique energy storage and utility peak-shaving solutions.
Finally, BlackStarTech provides a comprehensive broadband deployment solution utilizing private 4G/5G
LTE systems enabling sensor deployment, digital worker automation, and edge computing applications. BlackStarTech Beacon enables the required facility interconnectivity to usher in machine learning and Artificial Intelligence (AI) applications.
Development and Implementation from the Ground Up
BlackStarTech’s expertise in business strategic planning and consultancy services includes the following fields:
- Resiliency Planning and Backup Power Generation Services
- Risk Reduction Strategies
- Maintenance and Outage Productivity Optimization
- Battery and UPS Systems
- Battery Energy Storage Solutions
- Facility Utility Load Saving Strategies
- Automated Firewatch Solutions
- Comprehensive Broadband and Sensor Deployments
Industry Trade Group Participation
BST is plugged into the industries we serve through Utility and Trade group engagement. But we are not simply participants in the conversation – we are active drivers in identifying and creating industry trends and innovations, as well as developing practical approaches, protocols, and solutions that not only meet current regulatory requirements but foster and drive innovation addressing future developments. Our involvement with numerous trade groups, such as the American Nuclear Society, NEIL, and FM Approvals, goes beyond sponsorships: we are SMEs who help drive understanding of the key issues of our industries through keynote presentations, demonstrations, and panel discussion participation.
"Risk Informed" Custom Consulting Solutions
BlackStarTech’s Risk Informed Custom Consulting Solutions is a service specifically for nuclear facilities where our team can facilitate review, PRA analysis, and application opportunities utilizing products from the Genesis family to significantly decrease the risk profile for your station and potentially aid in increasing risk margins to provide operational flexibility. An example of this would be attaining a 50.69 Risk Level to implement risk informed technical specifications.
We can work with your organization’s PRA group or PRA Engineers to successfully implement the BlackStarTech solution to effectively realize PRA and 50.69 benefits. Our Custom Consulting Solutions reduce risk and increase margins with the specific PRA models at each plant including full power internal events models, fire models, and external wind and flooding models.
BlackStarTech’s custom emergency backup power consulting services review facility risk models, which allow us to identify where BlackStarTech’s equipment can be best applied including critical equipment and components. Our team can determine which significant accident scenarios would be the best targets, and what specific procedure actions benefit your site. Although some of these will be common (e.g., alternate DC power for RCIC and HPCI valves and SRVs), these can be different for each plant. The models are also used to decide how best to deploy the BlackStarTech equipment such as via operator actions to hook it up and how to structure the associated procedures so that the deployment is as simple (and error-free) as possible. Once we decide upon the where, how, and when we will use BlackStarTech equipment, we stage it in the plant per plant procedures and incorporate it into the PRA models.